Friday, July 10, 2009

And so we came to an end...part one

I had this really brilliant plan. I was going to get my packing done early, and then go to bed early enough so that I could spend a good hour writing an entry before it became absolutely necessary to go to bed.  It was a really, really good idea. Unfortunately, life got in the way, it's midnight, I'm exhausted and emotional and shaky, and about ready to go to bed. So unless there's wireless at the hostel or at LaGuardia, the report of the final week is going to have to wait until...Monday-ish. Something like that. But I promise it will come.

If this is my last post from's been more than I can describe, and if the crazy little snippets and anecdotes you get through this wonderful filter known as blogging have given you half as beautiful a picture as the scene I've been living, than I've truly outdone myself as a writer. It's been an incredibly fun and experience even to write the blog; I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. 

So until the next, whenever and wherever that is.

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